Sunday, June 5, 2011

Annie Very Sorry

Today marks the second anniversary of the creation of this blag. As luck would have it, it's also the 100th post I've made to it. Here's a recap of things that have happened in the last 2 years and 100 blag posts in approximately chronological order.
  • I bought a handgun.
  • I decided to get a business minor.
  • I read 'The Five Love Languages' by Gary Chapman. It changed my life.
  • I saw then BYU tight end Andrew George catch a walk-off touchdown pass from Max Hall to beat SpUtah in OT.
  • I applied for over 300 full-time civil engineering jobs.
  • I got 3 interviews and no formal job offers.
  • I took and passed the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam.
  • I moved into an apartment with guys who I actually liked beforehand.
  • I went to the Utah Summer Games Ultimate Frisbee Tournament in Cedar City and accidentally attended a Single Adult dance. (Notice the lack of 'Young' at the front.)
  • I went longboarding down Provo Canyon with Scott Manning and still have the scars to prove it. I pledged that I would never ride/drive anything that didn't have brakes after that.
  • I bought and have been learning to play the bass guitar.
  • I appeared in 'The Food Nanny' TV program on BYUtv.
  • I graduated from BYU with a BS.
  • I applied to 7 institutions of higher learning to pursue a master's degree in civil engineering.
  • I was accepted by 6 of those institutions.
  • I found out that I would receive funding from Oregon State University and, without hesitation, decided that I would matriculate.
As we can see, it's been a great time. I'm totally looking forward to next two years worth of Unfortunate Dudefests. :D

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