Monday, November 26, 2012

Inconvenient Truths

I've decided that I never want to run for political office.  In order to give myself proper incentive to this end, I've decided to post of list of what I consider to be politically incorrect truths that would be a nightmare to clean up if I did run. All potentially quantitative claims will be unsubstantiated inasmuch as I believe the data associated with such statistics to be unilaterally biased, one way or another.  Enjoy.
  • On average, black men are more athletic than white men.  
  • On average, white men are smarter than black men.
  • Young black and/or Latino men are more likely to engage in criminal activity than others not meeting those three criteria.
  • I don't care what your upbringing was like, if you engage in socially unacceptable behavior, you need to suffer the consequences.
  • Prison should be hard work... with no healthcare.
  • I'd bring back firing squads.
  • Selective abortion is murder of the most innocent individuals by those whom he/she should be able trust most.
  • Inasmuch as it's no more socially harmful than alcohol, marijuana should be legalized, subject to similar restrictions as alcohol, and have the piss taxed out of it.
  • There's a special corner of Hell waiting for investment bankers.
  • In our society, capital gains are often used as a sole source of income, and thus, should be taxed as income.
  • "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." -Robert A. Heinlein
  • People are just not really designed to be functional past 50.  A mandatory retirement age of 50 should be set and the privileges of healthcare (minus morphine injections) and driving would be revoked at age 70.  At that point, in the words of Auric Goldfinger, "I expect you to die."
  • I'd give illegal immigrants 2 options: 1) Leave.  2) Die.
  • Two words: English Only.
  • Build the wall... put machine gunners on the top.
  • While we're at it, put a mile-long minefield just north of the Mexican border... that would be entertaining if nothing else.
  • The high population densities would make China really easy to nuke, should that be necessary.
  • Anyone who takes a camera into a war zone should be shot on site.
  • I'd support a "separate but equal" initiative that would extend similar privileges to gay couples as straight couples, but call it something that didn't have the word "marriage" in the name.
  • We have two options to maintain healthy forests: 1) Log. 2) Let forest fires burn, unrestrained. Personally, I like my wood products.
  • Labor unions, while serving a useful purpose, have become too powerful.
  • I like a couple of Nickelback songs.
  • Capitalism is not a universally extollable virtue.
  • Nuclear power is great in aseismic areas, assuming all precautionary procedures are followed. 
  • Ohio and Florida both really suck.
  • If the Eastern Seaboard was cut off and allowed to float out to sea, it would make the United States of America a better place.  (Yes, I realize that this is not scientifically feasible.)
  • "The only way to redeem the south is to burn it up and baptize for the dead." -J. Golden Kimball
  • I miss natural selection.
  • Speaking of which, I don't think creation and evolution are mutually exclusive.
  • I think FDR was the best president.
Potassium.  I think that should do it for now.

1 comment:

  1. This is the most entertaining thing I've read in months. Laughed out loud, many times. Thank you.
