Over the past few days... or weeks... or months... I haven't really kept track actually, I've been noticing more and more evidence that I am completely off of my rocker insane. In this entry, I will present some of this new-found evidence to you.
Exhibit A-I've recently decided that I would like to pursue a Management (aka Business Management) minor. After all, even the most valuable engineering knowledge doesn't do you any good without knowledge of how the world and world markets work. Additionally, it's really good for the resume in such a volatile economy... And I just kinda want to be like Catbert and/or Dogbert from the Dilbert cartoons... with a little bit of Wally mixed in. :D

Exhibit A.1-I've decided that I'd like to complete the aforementioned minor in no more time than I had previously planned to obtain a BS in Civil Engineering with no minor. This means that I'll be taking such classes as: Structural Analysis, CE Materials, Traffic Engineering, Structural Steel Design, Soil Mechanics, Capstone, and Reinforced Concrete Design along with classes for the minor.
Exhibit A.2-This will mean that I will need to take 17.5 credit hours for both next fall and winter semesters as well as 7 for next spring and 9 for next summer. Since I haven't finished all my generals, this won't be as bad as it sounds on paper, and my GPA won't even necessarily have to suffer, but holy $h*7 I thought I had no free time before!
Exhibit B-After returning home and living again with my parents for about a month and a half, I've found that I have a burning and undeniable urge to go back to Provo. Yes, I said PROVO, P-R-O-V-O... Provo. I wish to return to the land of euphemisms, RMs, and NCMO for one sole reason... it's 500 miles away from my parents.
Exhibit C-Tonight I found myself reading my textbook for CE En 305 A/B-Civil Engineering Materials... just for shiggles. And the worst part about it was that I was actually entertained by it. I could have easily watched TV or played Mario Kart until my neurons started to leak out of my ears, but no... I found myself unable to put down the 2nd edition of "Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers."
Exhibit D-A lot of men joke about how they would prefer handguns to women... There are endless links to the same top 10 list that chronicles how "Handguns works correctly everyday of the month," and "You can buy a silencer for a handgun." But since I acquired Nikki [my Glock 17 (See entry titled "2 things")] I've found that I actually prefer her company to that of most women. I haven't quite gotten to level of having full conversations with her or sleeping with her in my bed... but it's headed that way.
Exhibit E-I've recently been thinking about names for my potential children that would be the most sadistic. Of course there's "Snow White" for a girl or "Off White" for either, but I knew I could do better than that. How about marrying a black woman and naming one of our kids "Half White?" That kid would legitimately hate me. I could name my kid after a species of quail "Bob White," and of course, his full name would have to be "Bobert." Or I could be a real douche and name my kid, first name: Black, middle name: And, last name: White. That kid would kill me in my sleep. But then there are also good sets of initials that I could give my children. I've thought about Jacob Ezekiel White. Then there would be Sarah Anne White. If one of my girls was really fat I could name her Corinne Olivia White... The list goes on and on.
I guess the jury's still out on my insanity, but I'm just saying, that at the rate I'm going, things aren't looking good. :)