Some things I love about America (in no particular order):
-I'm free to speak, assemble, own guns (for now), tell the government to eph off if I so desire, and worship the Lord my God in the manner that I see fit.
-I'm free from oppression, tyranny, a slow, painful death, being invaded by any other country, though not stupidity (see above).
-America's Air Force, the term "No One Come Close," is a gross understatement. Remember the Iraqi Air Force? Neither do I.
-America has the huevos to tell everyone else to eph off. Soccer? Eph off! The metric system? Eph off! Gay marriage? I'd tell you to eph off, but you'd take it literally.
-The great sport of baseball was invented in this country... and even though the US might no longer be the best, it still has a rich heritage and fan base.
-America has the oldest constitution still in force today.
-Joseph Smith, Jr. He couldn't have done it in any other country.
-America has been the frontrunner in technological advancement for decades.
-Americans told the British to suck their balls, then backed it up with a hard-fought war.
-The only wars the US has "Lost" are Vietnam and Korea, and that's because they were managed by dumb@$$es.
-I have never suffered for want of food, water, or shelter, and have been prospered beyond what most of the rest of the world has.
-"We'll put a boot in your @$$, it's the AMERICAN way!"
-Mountain Dew
-Pie of every variety
-A national anthem that kicks trash (oui, je parle aux francais)
-The elections aren't rigged (that we know of)
-The Chevrolet Camaro
-The Chevrolet Corvette
-The F/A-18 Hornet
-The F-117 fighter
-Huge Natural Gas reserves
-Even bigger coal reserves
-Bigger yet Uranium reserves
-Checks and Balances
-As of right now, the United States of America is still the greatest and most powerful country in the world. There might be many from the inside as well as the outside who would wish to supplant this nation, but for the time being America can kick your country's @$$, and wouldn't be afraid to prove it.
My name is Michael Ulmer and I endorse this message.