Me: "So [Random Woman], I have two tickets to [insert event here], would you like to come with me?"
Random Woman: "Oh, that's really sweet of you, and I'm really flattered, and I'd totally go, but I'm actually going out with someone else right now."
Me: "Oh, well on your facebook profile it says that you're single."
RW: "Yeah, I should really change that."
Me: "Yeah. So, how long have you been with this guy?"
RW: "Uh, about 3 days."
Me: Holy $h17!!! "Well that's cool, good for you."
RW: "Thanks, good luck finding someone..."
And this isn't an isolated incident. It's happened at least 4 times, essentially the same way... one woman actually married the guy she was going out with. Sometimes I wonder if I'm only attracted to women who are producing pheromones, but just don't realize it until a week later than most men... it's not entirely out of the question. Ironically all of these instances occurred when I was trying to find a date to a specific event... all of them events that required tickets. So, in the end I am eventually relegated to knocking on the doors of random women in my ward looking for someone to go with me. I am quite literally tracting for dates...
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