For any who don't know, I am actually 1/8 Alaskan Native. Before you ask your next question, the tribe is 'Athapaskan,' and it's okay that you haven't heard of it... I wouldn't have either if I was you. In general, I've been putting "American Indian or Alaskan Native" in the EEO box thing of job applications, just to see if I can pique any interest, but there are some jobs for which that distinction is absolutely mandatory, in my mind. A few months ago, I found a civil engineering company that was owned and operated by Alaskan Natives with an opportunity for an entry-level civil engineer in Tucson, AZ. On this application, I not only put that I was an Alaskan Native, but that I am a descendant of an Alaskan Natives Corporation shareholder, but more on that later. Sadly, they ended up deciding not to fill that position, and indeed issue a hiring freeze at their Tucson office, as far as I can tell, but there is still hope.
Before I proceed, a little history lesson for the vast majority of the population is in order. In 1971, good old Dick Nixon signed into law the Alaskan Native Claims Settlement Act. This act formed thirteen corporations which own and operate land and other resources in Alaska and gives Alaskan Natives almost absolute autonomy. As it turns out, my mother, being 1/4 Alaskan Native was issued 100 shares in the corporation Doyon, Limited. Doyon owns much of the land surrounding Denali and Fairbanks in central Alaska all the way over the Canadian border, which is where the Athapaskans reside, but that's tertiary. The minimum standard for being issued shares in the corporation is 1/4 blood, so I don't qualify to get shares, but when it comes to getting jobs with such corporations, I can indeed claim that I am a shareholder descendant and still get preference.
So, on Wednesday in my finance class we had a computer lab, so naturally I was surfing the internet instead of doing the mind-numbing spreadsheet that was assigned. I was searching for jobs mostly to no avail, when I thought of Doyon and thought that they might have something close to my field of interest. As I came to the jobs portion of the site, I found that there was an opening for an entry-level construction engineer in Federal Way, WA. I wasn't able to apply for the job right then and there, since I didn't have my flash drive, but as soon as I got home I started re-writing my resume and cover letter to fully embrace my Alaskan Native heritage and to express my desire to work for the company that I've heard so much about since I can remember and submitted my application for that job.

I'm not totally sure what will come of this, but I'm pretty positive that there aren't many Doyon shareholders that graduate with degrees in civil engineering. And I'm also pretty sure that most who do don't graduate with a 3.53 GPA. If I do end up getting this job, I'll also be pretty well set to go to the University of Washington for grad school, especially since it's just right up the road. In the end, I'm not sure that I'll get this job, but it's probably the best opportunity that's dropped into my lap since my dad brought my mom and I together and said, "Guys, I'm going back to church, I want you to come with me at least once, just to see how you feel about it." :D
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