The LDS church owns and operates BYU and is the very core of its educational system. The student body consists of around 98% LDS students and there is a very permeating LDS culture that is associated therewith. There are many people in Utah and abroad that affiliate themselves with the University of Utah, in contrast to BYU, as a form of rebellion against the church, it's leadership, and it's membership. In all honesty, these are some of the most despicable people that I have met in my life so far. They are, generally, people who have very little direction in life, drink copious amounts of alcohol, and have few, if any, sexual hangups. These are precisely the people who spit on and threw beer at Max Hall's family and displayed a blowup doll labeled, "Max Hall's Mom" during the 2008 BYU-Utah football game in Salt Lake. While I'm sure that there are good people who attend and affiliate with the University of Utah for whatever reason, there is also a population who can only be called scum, living a riotous and immoral lifestyle who do the same. These people are the reason that I hate Utah and can hardly stand to step foot on their campus. These are those to whom I refer simply as, "Ute Fans."
I'm not sure that I can totally say how these sort of people become how they are, with such a hatred for the LDS church and all that it stands for. I'm sure that many of them grew up in the church, but never really appreciated the doctrines of the gospel, and grew to despise the counsels given to them by church leaders. Some of these may have also been offended at one particular doctrine or counsel and voluntarily disaffiliated themselves with the church or were excommunicated long ago. I would also speculate that some are not and have never been members of the church, but have a keen distaste for the "theocratic" and "authoritarian" way that the church operates, which permeates in Utah and Mormon culture. Any of these and others could and often do affiliate with the University of Utah merely because they have found fault with the church.
Considering the state of the world, I cannot possibly see this situation being remedied anytime soon. The doctrines of the church and the ideals of the world are rapidly diverging. As Nephi said, there will be many who rage against the church at the last day (See 2 Nephi 28:20). I can only see those who love to be part of the world becoming more angry and those who affiliate with Utah because they dislike the church to grow in number.
And to those who like to say that the prophet went to University of Utah, I have one thing to say to you: So did Ted Bundy. Don't believe me? See for yourself.
Go Cougars.
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