I really hope it's not me, but I think that Quizno's ad campaign for the "Toasty Torpedo" is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. First of all, the talking grill with a voice similar to James Earl Jones is speaking seductively to a 23 year old, male Quizno's worker. This alone is enough to make me vomit the entire contents of my digestive system. If I ever do walk into a Quizno's again, I'll demand that my sandwich is kept at least ten feet away from the grill, for fear of contracting gonhorrea. But this isn't even the worst part of it. They are quite literally passing off their "Toasty Torpedo" as a phallus. You might try to argue this point, but I would just respond "Put it in my Scott," in my best James Earl Jones voice over voice. Quizno's has joined the ranks of Enzyte, Extenze, Maxoderm, Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and Every American Beer company in taking advantange of men's sexual insecurities and their uh, ahem... size, if you will. Quizno's has decided that an 18" sandwich that entirely resembles a phallus will sell. I can't speak for all men, but such ad campaigns might work for the aforementioned medications and beverages, but not for sandwiches. I can honestly say that the last thing I think when I'm hungry is, "Hmm... I think I'm gonna put an 18" sandwich that looks suspiciously like a phallus in my mouth. And hey, why not wipe down the deep-voiced grill with a chamois." This ad campaign might work in say, San Francisco, Key West, and New York City, but elsewhere, I think Quizno's would be well-advised to remove it. But maybe that's just me.
Gross, man. I won't go to Quiznos. I've seen those commercials, too.
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