Seeing as I have successfully acquired this URL, I feel that it is my duty to add the anthem of this site. A parody of University of Utah's fight song which I have entitled "Today's Utah Man."
Today's Utah Man,
by William White
I am a Utah man, sir, I'm barfing up my spleen,
Our kegstands are the most intense that ever will be seen.
Our women are the hottest, and each a dirty ho, Their flatulence you'll hear it through the valley yo, fo sho!
Who am I, sir,
A Utah man today,
A Utah man sir,
I swear that I’m not gay!
We use the snuff, we only bluff, we're game for any cuss,
No other gang of college men can match our endless lust.
So fill your lungs with Cannabis, 'cause times have changed these days,
We'll eat, we'll drink, we'll be merry, for crime, it always pays!
I remember the night of prom, I took six skanky hoes,
It’s okay, when you’re a Utah Man, that’s just how it goes.
No matter if a pot smoker, or in just roller skates,
The people all admit we are the queerest gang in state.
We may not live forever on this jolly good ol’ sphere,
But while we do we’ll live a life of merriment and cheer.
And when our probation’s o’er and night is drawing nigh,
We’ll say before the bar of God, “A Utah Man Am I!”
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