They think I don't know a buttload of crap about the Gospel, but I do.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Things that make me swear
It might not be Windows Vista; in fact, it probably isn't, but Vista is just the most recent manifestation of it. Whenever I make attempts to used computers for anything other than screwing around on teh interblags I generally end up with a steady stream of expletives flowing from my lips. Case and point: CE En 270-Computational Methods. This class involved using the microsoft office programs excel and visual basic for applications to create spreadsheets. I'm glad that I had to take the tests for this class in a very public place with high Mormon density, the CAEDM lab. That's the only thing that kept the expletives quiet instead of being shouted at the top of my lungs.
When I say "n00b$" you should know that I am refering to college freshman, and anyone who's still in high school, who happens to be on a college campus. I generally call these pre-n00b$. The problem with n00b$ is that there are 7000 of them each September, and not a single one of them has any idea where they are going or what they are trying to accomplish. This last year, I was living at the Riviera Apartments, which is incredibly close to campus. The problem here is that one living at the Riv generally has to cross the dreaded... Helaman Halls. At the beginning of last school year, I had already moved all my stuff into my apartment at the Riv, and was all ready to go after just taking care of some things on campus. Just a tip, don't go into the ID office anytime before the first day of class... probably a few days after that too. I went in there to acquire an off-campus meal plan. Why, you ask?... to pick up lunch at the Cougareat when I feel the need, but back on task. After waiting for an hour and a half amongst eleventy trillion n00b$ I made it up to the desk and the following conversation ensued:
ID Center Lady: "What's your NetID?"
Me: "Uhh... I'm not a freshman, actually."
IDCL: "Oh [that's refreshing] what can I do for you then?"
This and going into the bookstore before the first day of class, has caused me to swear at the n00b$ ever since.
Mass transit. It's pretty self-explanitory. The bus doesn't come when you want it too, of even when they say it will. You have to make 17 transfers to go more than a mile. It takes a month of Sundays to make a journey that should take 45 minutes by car. Most of my "company" on my bus journeys have also been Mormon college students. I can only imagine what it would be like to ride with the degenerates that ride busses in places other than Provo. Moral of the story: I would pave paradise and put up a parking lot... and an 8-lane mega-freeway.
Until yesterday, I really thought that these were the only things that would really make me swear. Yesterday, my father and I took a motorcyling/shooting trip up to North Park, Colorado... which is indeed the converse of South park. :) Anywho, when we got to the place where we were headed, and started unloading all of our crap, I found another thing that will make me swear. The scourge on human existence know as the mosquito. Denver, CO and vicinity have recently been stealing some climate from Seattle, WA, and as such, there has been a bunch of standing water, and thus, the dreaded scourge of mosquitos. I they had been flies, I would have honestly believed that we were defecate... they were on us that bad. Just trying to swat at them sucked bad enough. Then one gets in your ear and you smack yourself clean across the face. I woke up this morning honestly expecting to see my own handprint on my left cheek, but alas 'twas not so. The bottom line: When mosquitos swarm, I swear, loudly and boisterously... thank goodness for Deep Woods Off.
So, I guess, now I'm gonna need to say that there are four things that cause me to swear... and that I really need to avoid those things.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My Parents are Insane
Anywho, today I went to the funeral for one of my friends dads. It was a very nice service and everyone involved said very nice things about the deceased. But it got me thinking, "If my parents were to end up dead for whatever reason, would I really have anything nice to say about them?" I've now thought about it for a while, and I really haven't come up with anything.
So here's about what I'd say about my mom:
Charlotte Sue Schaffer White, born July 30th, 1956, deceased (insert date here). My mother taught by example. Unfortunately, it was a consistently bad example. Honestly, when I have an important decision to make, I think of what my mom would do, and then do the exact opposite. She was never tested, but I think she might have been borderline retarded. Saying that she spent money like a drunken sailor on a three-day pass would be a gross understatement. One time we passed a guy driving a Corvette in the opposing lane, when she said, "Well, I think that to be able to get a Corvette, you kinda have to do something wrong." To which I replied, "Mom with all the money you've charged on credit cards, you could have afforded a Corvette!" We then discussed the price of a Corvette and she confirmed that she indeed could have. In all honesty, my mom was never all that malevolent to me; as my dad said I was her "Golden Boy" and could do no wrong. But she treated my dad like a three-day used tampon that had given her TSS. She criticized literally everthing that he ever did. She even told him that his breathing did not meet her exceptionally high standards. The way she treated him probably caused more harm to me than any other single factor in my life... though this could be disputed considering the things she said to me that I dare not repeat over this pulpit...
For my dad:
Gary James White, born May 10th 1962, deceased, (insert date here). The great irony of my dad's life was that he spent his life at home working hard, and his life at work hardly working. When he was at home, he'd wake up at 4 am and work his @$$ off until 6 pm when he would promptly pass out in his uncomfortable chair. When he was at work he'd do his best impression of Wally from Dilbert; avoiding being seen or heard, and working. The thing that was really sad to me is that even when he was trying to have fun he was working his @$$ off. Him and I would go motorcycle riding, and he would ride until his legs and derriere were falling off (even though he rode a Honda, so it wasn't that hard). We'd go duck hunting until either he got a limit of ducks, or I passed out, whichever came first. There are some good things I can say about my dad. He was one of the smartest men I knew and taught me incredible lessons about planning ahead, but in the end, the thing which I will remember most is his die-hard tenacity which was much more of curse than a blessing.
I realized that this is an unfortunate commentary on life, but it's been burning on my mind for the last 8 hours, and was going to make it out one way or another. I realize that they have done the best they could with what they had to work with, but that doesn't make a very good eulogy. :P
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Worst Ad Campaign... Ever!

I really hope it's not me, but I think that Quizno's ad campaign for the "Toasty Torpedo" is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life. First of all, the talking grill with a voice similar to James Earl Jones is speaking seductively to a 23 year old, male Quizno's worker. This alone is enough to make me vomit the entire contents of my digestive system. If I ever do walk into a Quizno's again, I'll demand that my sandwich is kept at least ten feet away from the grill, for fear of contracting gonhorrea. But this isn't even the worst part of it. They are quite literally passing off their "Toasty Torpedo" as a phallus. You might try to argue this point, but I would just respond "Put it in my Scott," in my best James Earl Jones voice over voice. Quizno's has joined the ranks of Enzyte, Extenze, Maxoderm, Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and Every American Beer company in taking advantange of men's sexual insecurities and their uh, ahem... size, if you will. Quizno's has decided that an 18" sandwich that entirely resembles a phallus will sell. I can't speak for all men, but such ad campaigns might work for the aforementioned medications and beverages, but not for sandwiches. I can honestly say that the last thing I think when I'm hungry is, "Hmm... I think I'm gonna put an 18" sandwich that looks suspiciously like a phallus in my mouth. And hey, why not wipe down the deep-voiced grill with a chamois." This ad campaign might work in say, San Francisco, Key West, and New York City, but elsewhere, I think Quizno's would be well-advised to remove it. But maybe that's just me.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Perfect Storm... of Dating

Recently I've been pondering the lack of any real of meaningful communication with the opposite sex which has seemed to be an ever-present part of my life as of late. There are many fairly obvious reasons for this. One is that I see about five times as many men as women on any given day. Another is that my mother's paranoia over... virtually everything has lead to a certain distrust of people in general, but mostly of women. Yet I've found that there is a very simple set of factors which acts as a barrier between myself and any person who I'd want to meet, but most especially those of the female persuasion.
This simple barrier, is actually a combination of three even simpler concepts which form a "Perfect Storm," if you will, of communication barrier. The first element of this 1-2...3 punch is the fact that I'm part Indian (feather, not dot). It's not that women who I meet are necessarily racist in any way, but the fact that I'm part Indian gives me somewhat of a somber facial expression. I like to call it the "disapproving scowl." I have to consistently tell people that I'm indeed not angry or sad, but when I relax my face, I just look like I am. This "disapproving scowl" tends to intimidate most everyone who doesn't know me very well, but especially those of the "fairer" sex.
The second concepts operates along the same lines and has similar pretenses to the first. I think it's safe to say that I am quite large in stature. At 6'2" and 220 (or so) pounds I'm by no stretch a small person. This gives me the appearance that I could easily knock your lights out if I was so inclined... and the disapproving scowl from part 1 gives me the air of being so inclined. The combination of these two alone would be somewhat of a disadvantage, but could be easily remedied given the proper attributes.
Sadly, I do not currently possess said attributes. The primary attribute of which I am thinking is that of being outgoing. The first two obstacles would not be too difficult to overcome if the man who had them also possessed an ability to make small-talk with anyone and everyone he meets, as well as the inclination to do it. I, on the other hand, am not found in possession of such personality traits. I tend to be a fairly shy person who is slow to "warm up" to people. I also really don't respond that well to pressure. When I know that the remainder of my natural life as well as any life to be hoped for afterward is on the line, I'm not incredibly likely to perform all that well.
All this adds up to give me the air of a guy who looks big, angry, standoffish and disinterested. Anyone who knows me knows that that's not really who I am. I'm actually a really mellow and approachable guy if you'll give me the time to get to know you. I'm not entirely sure what the final solution to my dating perfect storm is, but I'm pretty sure I'll make it through to the end.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
New Baseball Concept

So recently I've been able to view lots of baseball over the past few weeks, and have thought of a new and extraordinarily offensive new idea. Four strikeouts in a single game has come to be know as a "Golden Sombrero"... along with other variations like the "Bronze Sombrero" for three strikeouts and "Platinum Sombrero" for five strikeouts in a single game.
Now this new idea requires a little bit of background information for those who are not entirely familiar with the game. When a player strikes out, the symbol "K" is used on the scorecard to denote such. My new and revolutionary baseball lingo idea is to call three strikeouts in a row a "White Hood." Why you ask? This is where the offensive part comes in (especially when you consider my last post.) Since a strikeout is denoted by the letter K three strikeouts in a row would result in "KKK" being emblazoned on that players slot on the scorecard. Thus three strikeouts in a row would be called a "White Hood." :D
Monday, June 8, 2009

Recently, I've been thinking about the Presidency of Barack Obama thus far. As a relative conservative, I've found that I cannot entirely agree with many of his ideologies. I mean, the 2008 election was the first presidential election in which I was eligible to vote... and I definitely voted for John McCain. (At least partially because I wanted to see Tina Fey do impersonations of Sarah Palin for four years, but that's beside the point.) I've been comtemplating the presidency of the left-handed black man known as Barack Obama, and have been thinking that he hasn't really been a bad President... though he really hasn't been all that good of a president either. Much of his administration so far has focused on repairing and maintaining middle-east and Muslim relations. His actual policy and decisions have been questionable at best. He has made great claims about pulling US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and did in some small degree for some period of time, but has now begun to resend many of the same soldiers which have already served one or more tours of duty. He has also many more idealistic claims which he has yet to deliver. This is not entirely to say that he won't, or is incapable of delivering on such promises, but that he has thus far made a habit of sitting striaght up on the fence of indecision. The true litmus test for President Obama will come when he has to make a decision which will undeniably change the course for the United States of America.
The true point of this entry is not merely to rag on Obama for not making any ground shaking decisions, but more to reflect on the nature of the presidency of the United States. President Obama has managed to impart a sense of security to the American people and people's all over the world. This sense of security may or may not be warranted, but it is important for all the people of the United States and the world to have some sort of feeling of security and consistency in a constantly changing world. The point of this entry is to explore the role of a President's ability to BS not only the people which he leads, but also people and leaders all over the world. Throughout recent history those which have been considered to be "good" Presidents were those who were most able to convince America that all was well, when the $h*7 was actually hitting the fan. Likewise, those who would be called "bad" Presidents would be those who weren't as skilled in PR. Allow me to explain with a few examples:
"Good" Presidents
Ronald Reagan: Considered by most conservatives to be the best president of all time. He combined good decision making skills with an incurable optimism, and a natural talent for acting that could could up the most dire cases of the defecate hitting the oscillating device.
Bill Clinton: Actually accomplished very little as President. Along with Alan Greenspan managed to ride a wave of economic prosperity for the ages. He was also the master of BS, managing to convince the world that "[He] did not have sexual relations with that woman." And then later on that he was actually sorry about it. See also, "That depends on the meaning of the word, 'is'"
"Bad" Presidents
"W"-Took most of the monkey defecate left for him by the last 5 or 6 Presidents. His relative incompetency combined with his entire incapability of articulation made many refer to him as one of the worst Presidents of all time.
"Lame Brain" Johnson-I'd like to think of him as Bush v.0. In LBJ's case, his predecessors were mostly competent, but like "W" he went into a conflict which was doomed to fail. His inability to correctly manage the Vietnam War could easily be chronicled as the worst in US History. Much of this failure was due to his absolute disclosure of every event which went on in the war. His inablility to bring comfort to US citizens lead to a mission which was bound to fail.
In all, I suppose that Barack Obama's ability to lay down BS to Americans and all the world will be a principle if not the only asset which he brings to the Presidency. To determine whether Obama is a good President, we will need to observe his conduct and decisions in a desparate time of trial in which he is forced to "Sink or Swim" if you will. Thought his ability to convince the world that all is well, whether it is or not gives him a significant advantage.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
In the approximately four years since my family became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I've observed a very strange phenomenon in my mother. Before we joined the church, my mother had absolutely no access to women in my age bracket. Additionally, before I joined the church, I had a pretty open disdain for marriage, as I saw the costs far outweighing the benefits. I'm glad to report that since I've joined the church, I've found a very strong interest in pursuing an eternal marriage if and when the time is right. But getting back to matter at hand, I've found that ever since my mom has had access to eligible women in my age bracket that she's decided that there will be one person who she idealizes and thinks that I should marry.
The first manifestation of this phenomenon was was with one Miss Lara Renz. Lara was nice, but definitely had issues. Her family has visited their home Webster Lake Ward rarely and have been contending with the current Bishop Smith over tithing and food order issues. She was also on the five year plan on her "online" high school... along with other, unmentionable, issues. To top it all off, I had absolutely zero... maybe even negative physical attraction to this woman. I will admit to one on my shallow pet peeves; if a woman does not have a chin, I'm out... and nothing could make me get over the fact that Lara's face transitioned straight into neck. Anywho, my mom decided that she really wanted me to be married to this woman, though I knew that I was having no part of it, so it wasn't that bothersome.
When my mother got over that crush, she found a new woman who she decided I should marry. Her name was Tasha N. Trembath. I threw the 'N' in there because her initials are "TNT" and I think that's freakin' awesome. Now this was quite a stretch from Lara. Tasha was about the biggest sweetheart I've ever met, and her 5'9" frame and long brown hair made her very attractive to me. Despite these factors though, I found that I just could not bring myself to date her. The reason you ask? A textbook case of the Mom-Crush. The reason that I really couldn't date Tasha is because my mother was infatuated with her to the point that the thought of her interjections into our relationship made me a tidbit nauseous.
I really don't know entirely why my mother's infatuations with me marrying a certain woman entirely turns me off to that woman, but it definitely does. It could be because I really just want to spite her. It could be because my mom would totally and entirely take her side if and when we argued over anything. It could just be because two women are generally not better than one. All I can say is that I'm merely trying to avoid any manifestation of the "Ray Barone Syndrome." Not that my wife and mother would hate each other, au contraire, they would love each other so much that they would team up against me. I'm not honestly sure what the solution to the Mom-Crush phenomenon is. I could bring home a woman that my mom would absolutely despise, (ie blonde with a thin figure and large breasts) but that just wouldn't be the woman for me. I could also move far far away, (at this point, looking at Georgia... my mom wouldn't be caught dead there,) and I will probably do so as soon as possible. Somehow, I believe the true solution relies on finding some sort of balance between the two.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
40 Down, 10 to Go

There are probably only a very few people who would know me well enough to know to what proportion of the United States I've been. Let me just say that it's quite sizable. I've actually been to forty out of the fifty States. For the five fourths of Americans who don't understand fractions, that's four fifths... but I digress. I've been thinking recently that I'd definitely like to visit the remaining ten States sometime relatively soon. The real issue here is exactly what I would do in the States which I haven't visited once I got there. A few of these states have some really sweet attractions... most of them, however are not all that noteworthy. Let's review the possibilities:
Hawaii-Not a problem in terms of attractions. As long as you have the money you'll never run out of things to do.
Alaska-Once again, not a problem. Plenty of things to do and see, especially when you consider that I'm part Alaskan Native.
Washington-I'd stick around Seattle, and I'd have a grand time. (I promise these get less entertaining)
Oregon-Not as much to do, but could go to the beach at the very least.
North Dakota-Maybe some duck hunting and seeing the geographical center of North America...that's about it.
Minnesota-I'd probably try to find someone who actually talks like a stereotypical Midwesterner, and video tape them next to a sign that says, "Welcome to Minnesota."
Wisconsin-Try some cheese... visit the Harley Plant... maybe...
Michigan-Go to Hell and take lots of pictures and buy souvenirs... then get the eph out.
Vermont-Acquire some maple syrup... visit Lake Champlain?
West Virginia-???
Hmm... now that I go over it in my mind these places sound a lot more entertaining than I originally figured. I definitely going to have to do these things when I go to these places.
The Source of the Title

Yes, at this point I am an engineering student. In BYU's college of engineering and technology, there is a healthy 85% male population. These can range anywhere from the meat-headed construction management major to the epically white and nerdy electrical and computer engineers. Yet, all of these majors have one thing in common; they are all epic dudefests. This current term I am taking two engineering classes, geometric design of highways, and hydraulic engineering. Between the two of them there are two persons of the female variety, one of which is married... not a lotta options, if you know what I mean.
Yet, I also think it goes a little deeper than that. I don't know if it is at all warranted, but sometimes I think it must just be me. Case and point: last year I was FHE "father"/coordinator for both fall and winter in the BYU 67th ward. During the fall semester I was blessed to have three dudes apartments along with two womens' apartments. Honestly, I kind of expected it to be a dudefest at that point, and it wasn't a big deal. Then winter semester came around and the tables were turned... there ended up being about 6 dudes and 10 women in my FHE family; good odds from all outward appearances. Yet, the ratios still managed to remain about the same. Pretty much all 6 dudes showed up and about 3 or 4 women... it was disappointing. These "families" consisted of almost entirely different people. The only common denominators were me and one of my roommates from the previous semester. I mean, he had some pretty wicked gas every once in a while, but he generally kept it under control while at FHE. So, there was really just one option left... it must be me.
I haven't even had any career aspirations/considerations/back-up plans/dilusions that haven't been epic dudefests. Let's review them:
Mechanical Engineer-Epic Dudefest
Civil Engineer-Dudefest
Lawyer-Dudefest, and you go straight to hell upon death, which is another dudefest
Stand-up Comedian-It's about 65:35, but most of the women are lesbians... Dudefest
Carpenter-Dudefest... also Fiesta (Mexicanfest)
Truck Driver-The only women are the one's that get picked up and never seen again... Dudefest
I've highlighted Civil Engineering, because that's what I'm actually going into. I guess at this point, I must come to the conclusion that it's either just me, or the world is actually 85% men and there's a conspiracy by the Catholic Church and NAMBLA to cover it up. XD
Friday, June 5, 2009
Another Song Parody I Feel Compelled to Share
The Battle Hymn of the Yellow Jackets
By: William White
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Bulldogs in defeat!
They are being trampled underneath the Yellow Jackets feet!
Their power is in politics, in payoffs and deceit.
But truth in marching on!
To heck, to heck, to heck with Georgia!
To heck, to heck, to heck with Georgia!
To heck, to heck, to heck with Georgia!
The cesspool of the south!
We’ve always known that with the BCS, they are in bed!
Their glory on the football field is done by muscle-heads.
But when they’re through with college, they’ll be living in a shed!
‘Cause truth is marching on!
They look all day into a mirror while their biceps they flex.
They always boast a plentitude of alcohol and sex.
But, in the end, our signatures will be on their paychecks!
While truth in marching on!
As we can clearly see, I have way too much fun doing this. Hope you enjoy it.
Heritage of the URL

Seeing as I have successfully acquired this URL, I feel that it is my duty to add the anthem of this site. A parody of University of Utah's fight song which I have entitled "Today's Utah Man."
Today's Utah Man,
by William White
I am a Utah man, sir, I'm barfing up my spleen,
Our kegstands are the most intense that ever will be seen.
Our women are the hottest, and each a dirty ho, Their flatulence you'll hear it through the valley yo, fo sho!
Who am I, sir,
A Utah man today,
A Utah man sir,
I swear that I’m not gay!
We use the snuff, we only bluff, we're game for any cuss,
No other gang of college men can match our endless lust.
So fill your lungs with Cannabis, 'cause times have changed these days,
We'll eat, we'll drink, we'll be merry, for crime, it always pays!
I remember the night of prom, I took six skanky hoes,
It’s okay, when you’re a Utah Man, that’s just how it goes.
No matter if a pot smoker, or in just roller skates,
The people all admit we are the queerest gang in state.
We may not live forever on this jolly good ol’ sphere,
But while we do we’ll live a life of merriment and cheer.
And when our probation’s o’er and night is drawing nigh,
We’ll say before the bar of God, “A Utah Man Am I!”